Software continues to pay for itself
I’ve been using this program for more than three years and it has become my go-to stats application because it’s one of the easiest and most beautifully designed stats applications that I’ve ever used.
I can spend time putting something together in Python Pandas or R, but that is a tremendous amount of time to spend on most of my projects. I have to really hand it to the developer, he has put together a program that is easily worth three times the cost, and the charts are far better than anything else I’ve seen out of the box.
There is a lot of attention to little details, such as providing the formula with the graphics, automatically providing the best stats formula for the types of data being compared.
And the developer is constantly making improvements. I can’t say for sure, but it seems to handle large data sets a lot easier than the version I used several years ago; its definitely more stable. There would be an occassional crash and then the bug report would go to Apple, and then a few days later I’ll notice in the updates section that the developer fixed the problem and is sending out an update. That’s awesome customer service and shows a real committment to the work.
The only feature request that I would ask for, and I’d be willing to pay for it as an add-on, is to export some of the work as an R script to go along with publishing; though the formulas attached are super helpful for that already.
It’d be nice to have an option to include a count with the smaller bar graphics when looking at categorical displays.
Also nice would be to choose which categories go into the “Other” covariate comparison.
Annddd .. being able to export graphics as vectors so they can be edited in Adobe Illustrator would be great also.
Love this package.
Acetylene Torch about
Wizard - Statistics & Analysis